I love summer evenings, when, after enjoying a meal we can stroll along the boardwalk, walking away the calories and savouring the sights and sounds of the neighbourhood. In some parts, life has spilled on to the pavements, music coming from cafes and restaurants, people sit outside drinking coffee, whiling away the hours, watching passers by. There are different types of passers by to be observed. Some who work the streets all night. (That is, garbage collectors and the like). Cars zoom by with the stereo volume turned up high, bearing number plates like, 'free spirit', 'fast cars rock' 'one night stand'.
Because Australians tend to live by the Coast or rivers, there is always the sound of the surf or a river view. Even the sound of the mobile phone is becoming the norm. People aren't usually phoning share holders and such, its generally friendly chit chat. For example, hello, I'm out to dinner just checking the kids are ok, or did we turn the gas off before we left? Ah! the wonders of modern technology, how did we survive without it?Someday I will write a book based only on these public mobile phone calls.
Sometimes there are family arguments which are hard to ignore as they waft across on the breeze from the river. I like too imagine that one day I will hear a conversation that is really worth eavesdropping for. For example, where are you now? were you seen? what did you do with the evidence? This is when I watch and try to remember faces, just in case I have to give testify in Court someday. Who know when my moment will arrive and I get to identify the chief suspect?
Usually, I just get to go home and sleep off the meal I have partake and the extra exercise Just being a part of the cosmopolitan crowd on a warm summer evening has been enough for me.
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