Today was a lovely warm Spring day and Jamie and I went to visit Nath and Sami. We sat out on their front porch, soaking up the sun and chatting. Have you ever observed an incident occurring and not taken in the full consequences? For the past half an hour or so there was a lady on the corner house who kept walking up to the huge iron gate at the side of her house and walking away again. We didn't notice where she went as were weren't really paying her a lot of attention. Suddenly we realized she was at her front door and whenever she left and walked back to the fence a small child began wailing plaintively from inside the house. On further observation we realized she was walking to the front door and trying to open it, then walking back to her gate and attempting the same thing. This was connected to the distraught crying of the child.
'I think she is locked out of the house' one of us decided. We watched her make two more attempts and then all agreed, this was the case. We held a small discussion about what we should do in this instance, then Jamie said he would walk over and break the ice as it were, find out what was happening and go from there.
He walked across the road and was greeted excitedly by the neighbour who explained her plight. She had gone through the front door and her 18 month old granddaughter had inadvertently locked it behind her.
Jamie and the neighbour walked to the iron fence and realized that neither of them could climb over it as it was over 6 feet high. Plus there was an alsatian barking madly in the yard, so certainly strangers wouldn't be welcome, in fact they may have even be eaten. Then Nath decided he was the youngest male and the fittest so off he raced to the rescue. Sami and I watched another discussion between the three, then Nath returned home and went out to his shed. Armed with a screwdriver and other tools he headed back to the neighbour. In no time at all he had unscrewed the huge gate so the neighbour had access to the back door. She was delighted and raced into the house, coming out the front door with the child in her arms and waving to the two heroes.
All in all another eventful Sunday.
1 comment:
Some would say it is rude to watch others but it is often in observing these strange behaviours that catch our attention that disasters are averted. Good job to all of you.
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