Apparently in Tokyo Japan last Monday a man was found lying by the roadside bound and gagged. The police initially assumed he had been tied up and robbed. Upon questioning him they discovered he had feigned a robbery and tied himself up because he didn't want to go to work on a Monday. This seems to be a great length to go to, simply to avoid Monday and set me to wondering how do we avoid Monday blues which seems to be a world wide epidemic.
Sometime ago in Western Australia people voted in a referendum on whether to permit Sunday trading by retailers. The answer was a resounding NO. Now if Sunday became a trading day similar to Saturday then maybe Monday would become a Sunday, would it then be easier to go to work on Monday? Or should we drop Saturday and Sunday altogether and work for seven days? then there would be no more week end and therefore no Monday as first day of the working week to dread.
An article in the Sydney Morning Herald (2003) noted that most Aussies are fortunate enough to fall ill on a Friday after pay day or a Monday. I wonder does it hurt as much to go to work on a Tuesday as on Monday.
Mondayitis is so prevalent now that there are songs written about it. Perhaps we could change the name to happy day, or even drop Monday and start the working week at Tuesday. I like that idea. Any other thoughts?
The longer the weekend, the harder it is to return to work. Mondays are bad because you don't want to go to work, you want to sleep in. But Tuesdays are often worse because it takes people a day to get revved up after the weekend and so they all get busy on Tuesday, bombarding you with requests for whatever service you provide. Additionally, a Tuesday return is a double whammy - you get a Monday feeling and a Tuesday workload.
The only real solution is to become fabulously wealthy, buy the rights to the calendar and name all the days after your friends, flunkies and favourite pets. It won't matter what day it is because you won't have to work ever again.
Gosh so does that mean Monday is not so bad after all.
I like your ideas though, could you be my silent writer perhaps Rollo. I promise that when I buy the rights to the calendar your name will be up first.
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